NDANO is excited to host the 2024 Nonprofit Leadership Conference May 29 - 30 at the Bismarck Event Center in Bismarck. Join us for two days of presentations, learning and networking with fellow nonprofit leaders from across North Dakota.
Matt Skoy
Matt Skoy is the Director for Leadership & Talent Development at Sagency and helps nonprofits create a culture of ownership. Matt partners with organizations of all sizes to unlock human potential and team success. Learn how to identify a clear plan of action and getting buy-in from everyone involved while improving communication between leadership and employees.
David L. Thompson
David L. Thompson is Vice President of Public Policy for the National Council of Nonprofits, the nation’s largest network of nonprofit organizations. The organization is active at the local, state, and federal levels advancing nonprofit policy priorities in the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government.
Thompson has served in all three sectors over the course of his career. He practiced law for 17 years specializing in labor relations, employment law, government contracting, and subsequently directed federal and state advocacy for a government relations firm. He served in the public sector from 2001 to 2007 as a Senior Counsel and as Policy Director to the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, notably as Counsel to the Pension Protection Act conference committee. Those experiences have served him well in guiding advocacy efforts for the network of the National Council of Nonprofits. He was honored as one of the NonProfit Times Power & Influence Top 50 for 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022.
Bob Upgren
Bob Upgren is one of the most in-demand speakers on leadership, innovation and mission-based work. He has spoken and consulted for many of the prominent brands in the world, including Disney, Coke, GM, Microsoft, Coldwell Banker, Scotts, Humana Health, Cisco, and Sharp Electronics to mention a few. He has also become one of the most trusted voices in the educational world, working with hundreds of thousands of educators from the top school districts in the United States and Canada as well as the largest youth associations in North America.
Full Conference (Includes Award Luncheon)
Early Bird: By March 31 Standard Rate: After April 1
NDANO/AFP Member Rate $175 $250
Nonmember Rate $225 $300
Each Additional Registrant
from Member Nonprofit $115 $115
Award Luncheon Only $30 $30
Conference Schedule
Event Information
Conference Venue: Bismarck Event Center
315 S. 5th Street, Bismarck, ND 58504
Hotel Rooms ( 2 blocks):
Radisson Hotel
605 E Broadway Ave, Bismarck, ND
Please contact the hotel at (701) 255-6000 and reference the 2024 Nonprofit Leadership Conference Guest
Room Rate: $112
Room Block Released: May 14
Bismarck Hotel & Conference Center
800 S 3rd St, Bismarck, ND
Please contact the hotel at (701) 258-7700 and reference the NDANO/36812
Room Rate: State Rate
Room Block Released: May 7
2024 Leadership Conference Partner

Thank You to Our Sponsors
Diamond Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

In-Kind Sponsors

Silver Sponsors
University of Jamestown
Eide Bailly LLP
BNC National Bank
Veracity Pros
Bremer Bank
Brady Martz and Associates
Bronze Sponsors
First Nonprofit
Dakota Medical Foundation