Preparing for a Nonprofit Audit

Thursday, December 5, 2024
12:00 pm1:00 pm

Presenter: Propel Nonprofits
Cost: Free

Preparing for an audit at your nonprofit organization can be a daunting process. In this webinar Propel trainers will walk through the important phases of preparing for an audit.

You’ll leave this webinar empowered with a better understanding of the audit process, understanding of how your financial processes and procedures will help you prepare, tips for building a good relationship with your auditor, and what roles & responsibilities you’ll have during the audit process.

NDANO offers live in-person and online learning opportunities for nonprofits, often with partners. Members receive discounted rates on all NDANO events. All times are Central unless otherwise indicated.

Do you have a learning opportunity or event for North Dakota nonprofits to add to our calendar? Email NDANO with the details.