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Learning & Event Calendar

NDANO offers live in-person and online learning opportunities for nonprofits, often with partners. Members receive discounted rates on all NDANO events. All times are Central unless otherwise indicated.

Do you have a learning opportunity or event for North Dakota nonprofits to add to our calendar? Email NDANO with the details.

Operate Intentionally to Grow Sustainably

Tuesday, January 16, 2024
9:00 am11:00 am

Presenter: Common Good Vermont
Cost: $35

This session aims to help organizations that are growing or planning to grow avoid common pitfalls and build a people-centered operations foundation that supports sustainable organizational growth. By building foundational systems and practices before growing substantially, an organization can minimize the distractions and inefficiency caused by the constant work-arounds and confusion that persist absent operational foresight, and save themselves from having to spend significant time and resources playing “catch up” to eventually build a reliable foundation.